bag is a non-rigid container. Types of flexible containers Antistatic bag, used for shipping electronic components Bag-In-Box Bin bag, garbage bag, or trash bag
Book bag Bulk bag, a name for a flexible intermediate bulk container Burn bag Diplomatic bag
Duffel bag Handbag, purse Messenger bag Money bag Paper bag Plastic bag Popcorn bag
Satchel (bag) Sling bag, worn over the shoulder Shopping bag Plastic shopping bag
Reusable shopping bag Thermal bag Tote bag Travel bag, or suitcase Bag, a nickname for Anders Bagge known as Anders "Bag" Bagge
Airbag, vehicle safety device Bag (puzzle), logic puzzle Bag knot Paper Bag Records
Punching bag, a piece of physical training equipment Multiset(mathematics), bag — generalization of a set
Perhaps-bagor netted sack Sleeping bag Tea bag All pages beginning with "Bag"
All pages with titles containing "Bag" Bagger Bagg (disambiguation) Sack (disambiguation)
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